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Review of Petralex 4 Ear
Anne Martens
Department of Occupational Therapy, Nova Southeastern University
OTD 8244: Innovations & Technology in Contemporary Occupational Therapy
Dr. Yu Hsiang Liang-Paultre, OTD, OTR/L, CKTP, CSRS
June 14, 2024

      Ideal for those comfortable with smartphones, the Petralex 4 Ear is an assistive
technology app for iOS software that helps people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
Additionally, as a temporary solution, it can be used in noisy contexts where people without
hearing loss benefit from enhanced hearing. The Petralex 4 Ear functions as a hearing aid using
the software (e.g., iPhone) microphone to clarify and amplify sounds. The sound can be
projected over the speaker or via a headphone connected to the phone via Bluetooth or an ear
jack. The settings/modes can be adjusted to varying contexts, such as a loud coffee shop, a
central New York City street, and a quiet home environment. Furthermore, users can adjust the
amplification, frequency, noise reduction, feedback suppression, and equalizer settings/levels
(Petralex, 2017).
       Although there is limited access to a free download/app, to access all of the functional
features, one must purchase a subscription, which costs $49.99 per year or $4.99 per month.
Including an associated fee, limitations for the Petralex 4 Ear include its dependence on the
speaker’s and/or the headphone’s quality for improved hearing (which may vary depending on
the iOS device). Additionally, the app depends on an iOS device with a constant power source;
therefore, it may be a limitation if the user needs to enlist the device for an extended period.
Also, it should be noted that the app is not helpful for those with severe/profound hearing loss;
these individuals may benefit from hearing aids with more specialized features. Next, those
struggling with fine motor challenges may require additional assistive devices to utilize the app.
    Furthermore, in terms of limitations, those with mild to moderate cognitive deficits that
challenge executive functioning, specifically sequencing and planning, may struggle with the set-
up and utilization of the app (Cox et al., 2016). With that noted, the functional skills required
include an understanding of the iOS app device to install/download the app, navigating the iOS device, navigating the iOS interface to understand and adjust the settings, and the ability to
charge the device.
      In conclusion, with this background information, the Petralex 4 Ear app may be able to
assist a client with mild to moderate hearing loss with functional cognitive skills (concerning
basic smartphone skills) and basic fine motor skills. It is available for download on an iOS
device such as an iPhone(R) or an iPad(R). This app is a consideration in occupational therapy
settings to promote independence in everyday functioning that supports health and well-being
associated with hearing functions.


Petralex. (2017). Phone-based hearing aid; Technology. Retrieved June 14, 2024, from
Cox, R. M., Johnson, J. A., & Xu, J. (2016). Impact of hearing aid technology on outcomes in
daily life I: The patients' perspective.
Ear and Hearing, 37(4), e224–e237.

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